Wednesday 7 October 2015

My Easy Method For Earning Bitcoin Revealed

How can I earn Bitcoin online? I’ve typed this phrase into Google many times and sifted through all the junk to still never find anything that wasn’t a waste of my time. The only way I have ever found methods that I can place a certain level of trust in and proof that an online task works to produce money is when my friends tell me or, better yet, show me “hey, this one is good, see what I’m making and how I do it ...”

You can’t just make money by doing nothing, but what I look for are methods that are easy, not time consuming, that gradually build up a nice income and don’t become a pain over time. Basically, the method I’m applying is simple - my bank account is an online one that gives me 40% interest and with that interest I can buy Bitcoin. How does this work? Well, the bank is funded by advertisements through various deals with some of the largest online ad management companies. This has been successfully running for some years now before I even heard anything about it, but It does make a lot of sense that this works well as a ‘win win’ online earning method.

For instance, there are masses of businesses that need to be advertised online but few very large companies that can handle this professionally for the droves of small and medium companies as a paid for service. So, basically my online bank makes an agreement with the large ad companies to get every account holder to view ten adverts per week by giving them a click. Then, I do my ten clicks each week (this takes me about a minute or two).

For me this is as easy as reading a magazine or checking through my inbox in the morning, in fact, I find it easier than getting ready for work, but, it means that the bank can then collect money from the advertisers in exchange for getting those genuine human clicks. Then, that money can become shared with the account holder's (ie me!) as interest payments.

The other way It makes money is when I write an article or a post like this and put my sign-up link in here > < And if anyone opens up an account then I get monthly commission from each one :)

Money Makes Money

I started about 15 weeks ago with a deposit into my account of 50 euros (it’s a bank remember!). Since then I haven’t put any money at all in there; I only reinvest the interest made each week. I’m doing the ten clicks per week and after 15 weeks of interest piling up I have a balance so far of 470 euros from the interest alone.

What I am intending to do is keep up with this until January when I will have accrued at least 1,500 euros then withdraw about 500 euros (to buy some Bitcoin); leaving me with about 1000 euro still in the account with which I can let the interest grow (more quickly this time round as it is growing weekly by my online actions and referrals) and then again I shall buy more Bitcoin!

I like this method as it is transparent and I can see why it works, its simple to do and I even get a debit card that works with my local bricks and mortar bank. It is good; I just kind of wish I had come up with the idea.

As I’ve shared this method with you, I must ask what’s your method and can you share it with me?

